Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Night Log 2022-05-23

SA: Danièl
SO: Thea
Others: Ros for daytime tests, Eben, Janus


We had a full and productive night, the start of the night was used for RSS engineering tests, while the rest of the night was spent doing science

Science data taken for:
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2020-2-MLT-003 P2 HRS (Follow-up of rare SB4 discovered in Gaia-ESO, GALAH and APOGEE)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2022-1-SCI-025 P2 SCAM (x3) (Observational studies of faint, small Solar System bodies called centaurs.)
2022-1-SCI-018 P3 HRS (x3) (Spectroscopic orbits for three massive eclipsing binaries with pulsating components)
2022-1-SCI-009 P3 HRS (x8) (Cosmic dance of massive triple)
2021-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2022-1-SCI-005 P3 HRS (Revealing parameters of the first known blue large-amplitude pulsator in a binary)
2022-1-SCI-010 P4 HRS (x2) (Observing Ap stars @dlhwp)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (x2) (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)


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