Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-27

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea


Telescope offline due to RSS shutdown.

No science data taken.


Monday, February 27, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-26

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea
Others: Danièl (polarimetry tests), Moses (NIR tests), Ramotholo and Sunil for a quick visit


A productive clear night with very variable seeing. RSS is coming off the telescope this morning for an optics replacement - good luck! :)

Science data taken for:
2022-2-DDT-002 P0 RSS (Confirming the presence of a nova super-remnant around KT ERI)
2022-2-SCI-032 P1 RSS (Unveiling deeply hidden growing black holes)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (x3) (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2021-1-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2022-2-SCI-005 P3 RSS (x3) (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)


Sunday, February 26, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-25

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea
Others: Danièl remotely checking afternoon cals.


A clear night with mostly poor to worsening seeing and rising humidity, which finally put us out of our misery at around 3am and we finally closed.

Science data taken for:
2022-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-SCI-010 P3 HRS (Tracing of metallicity gradient)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2022-2-SCI-005 P3 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2021-2-MLT-004 P4 RSS (Spectropolarimetric Monitoring of eta Car)
2022-2-SCI-004 P4 RSS (Building a sample of AGN-dust dominated galaxies)


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-24

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea


Another beautiful clear night with only one small technical issue, cut short by rising relative humidity.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-SCI-039 P1 RSS (x2) (Rotation curves of edge-on galaxies)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (x2) (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)
2018-2-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2021-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2022-1-MLT-004 P2 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-SCI-015 P2 RSS (Study of the galaxies that produces strong MgII absorption in the spectra of the background quasars.)
2021-2-MLT-005 P4 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)


Friday, February 24, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-23

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea


A beautiful clear dark night with decent seeing.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-SCI-015 P1 RSS (Study of the galaxies that produces strong MgII absorption in the spectra of the background quasars.)
2022-1-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Void galaxies in the Local Volume: probing peculiarities of their chemical evolution)
2022-2-SCI-039 P1 RSS (x3) (Rotation curves of edge-on galaxies)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-22

SA: Encarni
SO: Thea


A clear warm night with no Moon. Unfortunately the telescope image quality was a bit of a struggle tonight, not sure why - maybe the warm temperatures combined with the lack of wind?

Science data taken for:
2022-2-DDT-002 P0 RSS (Confirming the presence of a nova super-remnant around KT ERI)
2022-2-SCI-005 P1 RSS (x2) (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2022-1-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Constraining galaxy cluster merger geometries and timescales)
2022-2-SCI-032 P1 RSS (Unveiling deeply hidden growing black holes)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)
2022-1-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Void galaxies in the Local Volume: probing peculiarities of their chemical evolution)


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-21

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea
Others: Encarni for handover, Dartmouth students


=> Nice and stable night with moderate and good seeing. Many high priorityblocks were done.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-DDT-002 P0 RSS (Confirming the presence of a nova super-remnant around KT ERI)
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)
2022-2-SCI-015 P1 RSS (Study of the galaxies that produces strong MgII absorption in the spectra of the background quasars.)
2022-2-SCI-039 P1 RSS (Rotation curves of edge-on galaxies)
2022-1-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Void galaxies in the Local Volume: probing peculiarities of their chemical evolution)
2022-2-SCI-001 P1 RSS (Assessing Galaxy Cluster Member Candidates)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2022-2-SCI-035 P3 HRS (Determination of spectroscopic orbits of some selected stars)


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-20

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea
Others: Danièl (pol tests)


=> The total night was lost for the bad weather.

No science data taken.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-19

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea


=> Some high priority blocks were observed and we were closed by humidity at about midnight. Tests of scatter light were done as well during evening time.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-SCI-039 P1 RSS (Rotation curves of edge-on galaxies)
2018-1-MLT-004 P1 SCAM (Dark energy and the expansion rate of the Universe from quasar monitoring.)
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )
2022-2-SCI-037 P1 RSS (Revealing Physical Properties of Emission-Line Galaxies at z<0.4.)


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-18

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea


=> One high priority block was observed before we were closed by humidity. Weekly HRS calibrations were done.

Science data taken for:
2020-2-MLT-007 P1 HRS (HRS observations of a high mass binary system.)


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-17

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea


=> The night was lost due to bad weather.

No science data taken.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-16

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea


=> Lost this night for the bad weather

No science data taken.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-15

SA: Alexei
SO: Thea


=> Only one block was observed before we were closed by rising humidity and clouds.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P1 HRS (Followup of Transients)


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-14

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica


Managed to get a few blocks observed before a technical problem and the weather forced us to close. Some RSS pre-takedown engineering test completely in the meantime.

Science data taken for:
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2022-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2022-2-SCI-024 P3 RSS (Spectroscopy of ultra-diffuse galaxies)


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-13

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
Others: Richard, Ramotholo + 1, Dartmouth students


Another full night of observing with some technical issues at the start of the night and some extra mirror alignments required in the middle of the night. A good number of high priority blocks observed.

Science data taken for:
2022-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (x2) (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-SCI-032 P1 RSS (Unveiling deeply hidden growing black holes)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-MLT-002 P3 HRS (Follow-up of tight stellar quadruples)
2022-2-SCI-005 P4 RSS (x2) (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)


Monday, February 13, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-12

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
Others: Thabelo


A full night of observing with a minor pause in the middle of the night due to some technical error. A good number of high priority blocks observed.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (x4) (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )
2022-2-SCI-032 P1 RSS (Unveiling deeply hidden growing black holes)
2021-2-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-MLT-002 P3 HRS (Follow-up of tight stellar quadruples)
2022-2-SCI-005 P3 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2021-2-MLT-004 P4 RSS (Spectropolarimetric Monitoring of eta Car)


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-11

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica


A full night of observing with a few scattered clouds at times that forced us to observe lower priority blocks.

Science data taken for:
2022-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (x3) (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-SCI-038 P2 HRS (What Causes the Mysterious Superorbital Modulation in Supergiant X-ray Binaries?)
2022-2-ORP-001 P2 RSS (Parameter studies of southern AM CVn stars)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2022-2-SCI-005 P3 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2022-2-SCI-010 P3 HRS (Tracing of metallicity gradient)
2022-2-MLT-002 P4 HRS (Follow-up of tight stellar quadruples)


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-10

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
Others: Lisa's interns


Once again we managed to get a few high priority blocks observed before the humidity forced us to close about half way through the night.

Science data taken for:
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (x3) (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )
2021-2-MLT-005 P2 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2022-2-SCI-010 P2 HRS (Tracing of metallicity gradient)


Friday, February 10, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-09

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
Others: Moses. Marsha, Mike (for NIRWALS tests), Lisa's interns


We managed to get a few high priority block observed before the humidity forced us to close an hour after midnight. Some more pre-takedown test also done.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-DDT-001 P1 HRS (x2) (Studying the chemical composition of RR Lyrae stars. )


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-08

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
Others: Bryne (HRS call), Nico (TimDimm)


We managed to get a few high priority blocks observed before the humidity forced us to close just before midnight.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-MLT-005 P0 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2020-2-MLT-007 P1 HRS (HRS observations of a high mass binary system.)
2021-2-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2021-1-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-07

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Rudi, Anthony for NCON tests, Eben & Bryne (for PCON question in twilight)


We lost the whole night due to bad weather.

No science data taken.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-06

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Timmy, Bryne


We struggled to get much observing done due to thick clouds and a few technical problems. In the end we managed to observe a few blocks inbetween all the bad weather.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-SCI-040 P1 RSS (This proposal characterizes the main sequence star in a co-moving system containing a brown dwarf.)
2018-2-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2021-1-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)


Monday, February 6, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-05

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Anthony (for NCON), Danièl


We only manged one observation before thick clouds and high humidity kept us closed for the rest of the night.

Science data taken for:
2022-1-MLT-004 P3 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-04

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Danièl , Richard, Anthony (for NCON)


The weather was clear for most of the night but the seeing was poor. We managed to observe a few low priority blocks before and after we were interrupted in the morning by high humidity.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (x2) (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-SCI-010 P3 HRS (x3) (Tracing of metallicity gradient)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2021-2-MLT-004 P4 RSS (Spectropolarimetric Monitoring of eta Car)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2022-2-SCI-018 P4 HRS (Observations of Ap stars @dlhwp)
2022-2-SCI-017 P4 HRS (Observations of ssrAp stars @dlhwp)


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-03

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Anthony & Sunnyboy (for NCON,NDET), Lisa and the students


After a rainy and cloudy start to the night we managed to observe many blocks of mixed priorities despite the poor seeing.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2018-2-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2022-1-MLT-004 P3 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2021-2-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2021-2-MLT-004 P4 RSS (x3) (Spectropolarimetric Monitoring of eta Car)
2021-2-MLT-005 P4 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)


Friday, February 3, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-02

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Lisa and students


We were able to observe many blocks of mixed priority despite the variable seeing throughout the night.

Science data taken for:
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (x2) (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2022-1-MLT-004 P2 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-SCI-010 P3 HRS (Tracing of metallicity gradient)
2021-2-MLT-005 P4 HRS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2021-1-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2021-2-MLT-004 P4 RSS (Spectropolarimetric Monitoring of eta Car)


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Night Log 2023-02-01

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Danièl, Thabelo


Clear skies and good seeing for most of the night. We managed to observe 3 P0s and many other blocks of mixed priority.

Science data taken for:
2022-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (x3) (Followup of Transients)
2022-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HS pipeline observations @dlhwp)
2022-2-SCI-038 P2 HRS (What Causes the Mysterious Superorbital Modulation in Supergiant X-ray Binaries?)
2022-2-ORP-004 P2 RSS (Spectroscopic classification of Gaia alert microlensing event candidates)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2021-1-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2022-2-SCI-017 P4 HRS (Observations of ssrAp stars @dlhwp)


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Night Log 2023-01-31

SA: Lee
SO: Thea
Others: Moses, Timmy, Thabelo


Tonight we had some good seeing to go with the clear skies, allowing us to complete 12 blocks of mostly high priority.

Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2022-1-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Void galaxies in the Local Volume: probing peculiarities of their chemical evolution)
2022-2-SCI-016 P1 HRS (Spectroscopic classification of Gaia microlensing event candidates)
2021-1-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (x2) (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2018-2-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2021-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2022-1-MLT-004 P3 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2022-2-MLT-002 P3 HRS (Follow-up of tight stellar quadruples)
