Monday, September 30, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-29

SA: Moses
SO: Thea


Entire night lost to the weather.

No science data taken.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-28

SA: Moses
SO: Thea


Entire night lost to the cloudy weather.

No science data taken.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-27

SA: Moses
SO: Thea
Others: Helge (journalist)


Good observing conditions - very productive night where we managed to observe almost only high priority targets (P0s and P1s). This includes a Gravitational Wave Event candidate and a DDT observation.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-010 P0 HRS (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2019-1-GWE-005 P0 RSS (S190923y candidate)
2019-1-DDT-004 P0 HRS (Studies of new heart-beating star)
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x6) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2019-1-SCI-010 P1 RSS (x2) (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2019-1-SCI-036 P4 HRS (Spectroscopy of TESS targets)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-26

SA: Moses
SO: Thea


A good, clear and smooth evening. We managed to observe many high priority targets (6 P0s) like a few supernovae, exoplanet host systems, milli-second pulsars and Brightest Cluster Galaxy; and a few low priority targets.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-010 P0 RSS (x3) (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2018-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-004 P2 RSS (x3) (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2019-1-SCI-019 P3 RSS (Probing the outflows from quasars)
2019-1-MLT-008 P4 RSS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2019-1-SCI-002 P4 RSS (Measuring the properites of giant stars in close binaries that may eventually merge and explode.)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-25

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Etienne (to check out the RSS filter magazine)


Bumpy evening with RSS and HRS problems, but the seeing was good and we had clear skies throughout the evening so we managed a good mix of high priority targets (including 3 P0s) and low priority ones.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-010 P0 RSS (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2019-1-SCI-010 P1 HRS (x2) (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2019-1-MLT-009 P2 HRS (Monitoring the spectral variation of white dwarf with massive Be type companions)
2019-1-MLT-008 P3 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x2) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-24

SA: Moses
SO: Veronica


Short night. Managed to observe two P0s ( a microlensing block and a changing look AGN in an X-ray outburst) before having to close due to bad weather conditions : wind, humidity and clouds. Humidity stayed high for the rest of the night.

Science data taken for:
2018-1-SCI-012 P0 RSS (Studying the spectral evolution of a blended grav. microlensing event @CosmicRambler @_sublunar_)
2019-1-DDT-003 P0 RSS (Observing a changing-look AGN that has just gone into outburst)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-23

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica
Others: Minna, Ben


A perfect stable, clear, dark night with absolutely great seeing
resulted in a bumper crop of high priority observations of the
challenging kind. No problems costing time whatsoever.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-003 P1 RSS (Nuclei of two dwarf galaxies in different environments)
2018-2-SCI-020 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic follow-up of strong gravitational lenses)
2019-1-SCI-018 P1 RSS (Looking for extened Lyman alpha halos around quasars)
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (x2) (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x3) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2019-1-COM-001 P1 SCAM (Burst-mirror throughput test )
2018-1-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Spectral study of starforming rings in S0 galaxies)

Monday, September 23, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-22

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica


After two high-priority observation at the start of the night, humidity went too high.
It annoyingly stayed just the bad side of the limit for the rest of the otherwise
clear night ..

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 SCAM (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-21

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica
Others: Lisa


Nearly all night lost to high humidity and clouds. Just a couple of short observations
taken in the beginning. Closed dome calibrations done.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-20

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica
Others: Lisa in the beginning, Etienne on phone later


Good night with great seeing, started off with cirrus but cleared soon. In addition
to a large selection of science, did some high priority on-sky engineering tests.

Science data taken for:
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2019-1-COM-003 P1 RSS (x4) (Tests of scattered light in RSS)
2019-1-SCI-018 P1 RSS (x2) (Looking for extened Lyman alpha halos around quasars)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2018-2-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2018-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (x2) (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-032 P3 RSS (x2) (Confirmation and investigation of radio loud X-AGNs)
2019-1-MLT-007 P3 RSS (Probing the nature of TeV and neutrino candidate blazars)
2019-1-MLT-008 P3 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-19

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica
Others: Timmy, Mark, Keith for SPS nearly all night


Thin cloud, and got a couple of observations in, but then unfortunately were
hampered by a technical issue on the primary mirror

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-MLT-007 P3 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-18

SA: Petri
SO: Veronica
Others: Lisa, Felicity, Duncan


Thin and thick clouds all night. Observed through most of it, although
mostly using lower priority targets. Used some engineering testing time
as well.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-038 P2 SCAM (x2) (Shells around SMC novae)
2019-1-MLT-009 P2 HRS (x3) (Monitoring the spectral variation of white dwarf with massive Be type companions)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x4) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-036 P4 HRS (x3) (Spectroscopy of TESS targets)
2019-1-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Searching for new chemically peculiar stars in the southern hemisphere.)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-17

SA: Dani��l
SO: Veronica
Others: Keith (for auto-collimator), Mark, Petri (for handover)


Clouds created a bit of a challenge for observing tonight but we managed to observe numerous block with mixed priorities.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-010 P0 HRS (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x3) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2019-1-SCI-021 P4 RSS (Monitoring LBVs; @astro_Liz)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x7) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2019-1-SCI-002 P4 RSS (Measuring the properites of giant stars in close binaries that may eventually merge and explode.)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-16

SA: Dani��l
SO: Veronica
Others: Keith, Encarni, (via phone), Mark, Timmy


The night was clear with a few high priority targets observed. The seeing was quite stable through the night.

Science data taken for:
2018-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (HRS observations of symbiotic stars)
2018-2-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2018-2-MLT-007 P3 HRS (x5) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2018-2-MLT-003 P4 RSS (Looking at chromospheric emission in stars which host exoplanets)
2019-1-SCI-021 P4 RSS (Monitoring LBVs; @astro_Liz)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x2) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-15

SA: Dani��l
SO: Veronica
Others: Mark (for HRS)


The night was clear with a few high priority targets observed. The seeing was quite stable through the night.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-SCI-039 P1 RSS (The Formation of Compact Stellar Systems)
2018-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (x4) (HRS observations of symbiotic stars)
2019-1-SCI-020 P3 RSS (Following fast-moving stars found by Gaia. @_sublunar_ @kenjshen)
2018-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x4) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-036 P4 HRS (Spectroscopy of TESS targets)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-14

SA: Dani��l
SO: Veronica
Others: Mark & Timothy


Closed early due to thick clouds, however we managed to observe a few blocks of mixed priorities.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2019-1-SCI-002 P4 RSS (Measuring the properites of giant stars in close binaries that may eventually merge and explode.)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-13

SA: Rosalind
SO: Veronica
Others: Mark via phone


We mostly did lower priority blocks due to poor seeing, clouds and a bright moon, and we closed early due to the clouds. We had trouble with RSS tonight so were limited to HRS.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-008 P3 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x3) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-004 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of candidate massive stars around the blue supergiant MN18)
2019-1-SCI-036 P4 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopy of TESS targets)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-10

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery at the controls, Alexei for handover


Night started partly cloudy. We closed before midnight due to weather. We observed few P4 and one P0 (DDT).

Science data taken for:
2019-1-DDT-003 P0 RSS (Observing a changing-look AGN that has just gone into outburst)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (x3) (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-09

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery at the controls


Night started with clear sky followed by some cloud from 02h:00 towards morning. We observed 13 blocks of mixed priority including P0.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 SCAM (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-MLT-007 P2 HRS (x3) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-MLT-009 P2 HRS (Monitoring the spectral variation of white dwarf with massive Be type companions)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-004 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of candidate massive stars around the blue supergiant MN18)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x4) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2019-1-SCI-021 P4 RSS (Monitoring LBVs; @astro_Liz)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-08

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery at the controls


Clear and smooth night with average seeing. We have done 17 blocks of mixed P2-P4. Noticed few mirror segments out.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-MLT-009 P2 HRS (Monitoring the spectral variation of white dwarf with massive Be type companions)
2019-1-MLT-007 P3 RSS (Probing the nature of TeV and neutrino candidate blazars)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (x3) (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-MLT-007 P3 HRS (x3) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-019 P3 RSS (Probing the outflows from quasars)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x5) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2019-1-SCI-036 P4 HRS (Spectroscopy of TESS targets)

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-07

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery at the controls


Clear night with moderate seeing. We struggled with mirror leading to bad image quality and had a few minor technical issues. We finished 12 blocks with various priority.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 SCAM (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-010 P0 HRS (Exoplanets from TESS with @EllieInSpace)
2019-1-SCI-019 P2 RSS (Probing the outflows from quasars)
2019-1-SCI-018 P2 RSS (Looking for extened Lyman alpha halos around quasars)
2018-1-MLT-005 P2 HRS (HRS observations of symbiotic stars)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-SCI-030 P3 RSS (Searching for AGN undetected in X-ray surveys. )
2019-1-MLT-002 P3 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of central stars of mid-infrared nebulae)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x3) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-06

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery in training


A productive clear night with moderate seeing. We completed 16 blocks of mixed priority.

Science data taken for:
2017-2-MLT-004 P1 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2019-1-SCI-024 P1 HRS (Observations of new roAp stars @dlhwp)
2019-1-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Spectral survey of candidate unusual nearby void dwarfs)
2019-1-SCI-038 P1 SCAM (Shells around SMC novae)
2018-1-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Spectral study of starforming rings in S0 galaxies)
2019-1-SCI-008 P3 HRS (Monitoring metals in white dwarfs)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-003 P4 RSS (x5) (A SALT survey of chemically-peculiar hot subdwarfs.)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x2) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2019-1-SCI-009 P4 HRS (Spectroscopic observations of four candidate post-binary interaction products)
2018-2-MLT-003 P4 RSS (Looking at chromospheric emission in stars which host exoplanets)

Friday, September 6, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-05

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery in training


We did a few blocks in bad seeing at the start of the night, but most of the night was lost to ridge cloud.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x5) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-04

SA: Rosalind
SO: Thea
Others: Solohery


Most of the night was lost to thick clouds and high humidity. We managed two short blocks before closing.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x2) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-03

SA: Brent
SO: Thea
Others: Rajeev on training + Ros and Solohery at start of night till around 10 pm.


The night was clear with a few high priority targets observed. The seeing was quite stable through the night.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-MLT-005 P0 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2018-1-MLT-014 P1 RSS (Probing the optical counterparts of high energy sources)
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x5) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2018-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2017-2-MLT-004 P3 RSS (Galaxy pairs in the Hubble Frontier Fields)
2018-2-MLT-006 P3 RSS (Study of unclassified extragalactic NuSTAR serendipitous sources)
2019-1-SCI-021 P4 RSS (Monitoring LBVs; @astro_Liz)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x5) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-02

SA: Brent
SO: Thea
Others: Rajeev on training


We had a clear night and several targets were observed. The seeing was good (1.5 - 2") and fairly stable throughout.

Science data taken for:
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x5) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2019-1-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Spectral survey of candidate unusual nearby void dwarfs)
2018-2-SCI-020 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic follow-up of strong gravitational lenses)
2019-1-SCI-037 P2 RSS (The role of nitrogen in pre-white dwarf pulsations)
2019-1-MLT-007 P3 RSS (Probing the nature of TeV and neutrino candidate blazars)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x5) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Monday, September 2, 2019

Night Log 2019-09-01

SA: Brent
SO: Thea
Others: Rajeev on training


We observed 12 targets most of which were high priority ones. We had overall stable and good seeing through the night (1.5"-2").

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 SCAM (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-MLT-005 P1 RSS (Spectral survey of candidate unusual nearby void dwarfs)
2019-1-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x4) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2019-1-MLT-009 P2 HRS (Monitoring the spectral variation of white dwarf with massive Be type companions)
2018-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (x2) (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-LSP-001 P3 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x2) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Night Log 2019-08-31

SA: Brent
SO: Thea
Others: Rajeev on training


Overall good night. Attempted many high priority targets.

Science data taken for:
2018-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2018-1-SCI-012 P0 RSS (Studying the spectral evolution of a blended grav. microlensing event @CosmicRambler @_sublunar_)
2018-2-MLT-006 P1 RSS (Study of unclassified extragalactic NuSTAR serendipitous sources)
2018-2-SCI-020 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic follow-up of strong gravitational lenses)
2018-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2019-1-LSP-001 P2 RSS (x4) (Tracing the evolution of the most massive galaxies in the universe)
2019-1-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Searching for new chemically peculiar stars in the southern hemisphere.)
2018-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)
2018-2-MLT-007 P4 HRS (x2) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)