SA: Elizabeth
SO: Thea
We had good seeing tonight and managed to get some high priority targets in the first half. Clouds interrupted the second half of the night restricting us to lower priority targets thereafter.
Science data taken for:
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2022-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2020-2-SCI-042 P1 RSS (Finding young stars and their planets)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2020-1-MLT-008 P2 RSS (x5) (Obtaining redshifts for G4Jy sources - the brightest radio galaxies in the southern sky)
2019-1-MLT-008 P3 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2022-1-SCI-009 P3 HRS (x4) (Cosmic dance of massive triple)
2022-1-SCI-010 P3 HRS (x2) (Observing Ap stars @dlhwp)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2022-1-SCI-019 P4 RSS (Probing the environment inside Extreme Emission Line Dwarf Galaxies)
2022-1-MLT-002 P4 HRS (Searching for new chemically peculiar stars in the southern hemisphere)
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