Sunday, August 18, 2024

Night Log 2024-08-17

SA: Danièl
SO: Veronica


Another productive night completing various blocks along with a P0.

Science data taken for:
2024-1-DDT-004 P0 None (NIRWALS observations of the unusual HMXB XTE J1829-098 during its August 2024 X-ray outburst)
2024-1-SCI-008 P1 HRS (beta Pic pulsation observation)
2024-1-MLT-010 P3 HRS (Stellar Characterisation of Ariel mission targets: derivation of N and O abundances)
2024-1-SCI-004 P4 HRS (x15) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogueBuilding a new )
2019-1-MLT-008 P4 HRS (x2) (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2024-1-SCI-032 P4 HRS (Observation of magnetospheric accretion)
2024-1-SCI-007 P4 HRS (observing Ap stars)


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