SA: Moses
SO: Veronica
Others: Lee, Eben (to help with glycol/chiller)
Tonight went relatively smoothly, the seeing was decent for most of the night and so was the transparency. We managed to observe a mix of high and low priority blocks.
Science data taken for:
2022-2-SCI-006 P1 RSS (Optical followup of MALS targets.)
2022-1-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Void galaxies in the Local Volume: probing peculiarities of their chemical evolution)
2022-2-SCI-024 P2 RSS (Spectroscopy of ultra-diffuse galaxies)
2021-1-MLT-005 P3 RSS (x2) (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2022-2-SCI-011 P3 HRS (Discovering new metal-poor stars)
2021-2-MLT-006 P4 HRS (Accurate parameters of stars in Tight Triple Systems)
2022-2-SCI-004 P4 RSS (x2) (Building a sample of AGN-dust dominated galaxies)
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