SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica
High humidity at the start of the night kept us closed for a few hours, but eventually we managed to open and get some observing blocks done.
Science data taken for:
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 RSS (x4) (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2022-1-SCI-014 P2 RSS (Optical followup of MALS targets.)
2022-1-SCI-006 P2 RSS (Digging through the dust: A complete census of neutral hydrogen at z > 2)
2021-2-LSP-001 P2 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2022-1-SCI-004 P3 RSS (Measuring the magnetic field strengths of B stars @dlhwp)
2020-2-SCI-042 P4 RSS (Finding young stars and their planets)
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