Friday, May 14, 2021

Night Log 2021-05-13

SA: Rudi
SO: Veronica


Another good stable night with a large number of high priority targets observed. Minor technical downtime, but slow network connections made some acquisitions very long.

Science data taken for:
2021-1-SCI-017 P1 RSS (x2) (Searching for shock-darkened asteroids)
2021-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (x3) (Tracing the history of extreme helium stars)
2021-1-SCI-006 P1 RSS (x2) (Galaxies responsible for ultrastrong MgII absorption.)
2021-1-SCI-016 P1 RSS (x2) (Spectro-polarimetry of high-extinction targets behind the Coalsack )
2020-2-MLT-006 P1 RSS (SALT Spectroscopic Survey of IR 12MGS Seyfert Galaxies)
2018-1-MLT-005 P1 HRS (HRS observations of symbiotic stars)
2018-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x2) (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2020-1-MLT-002 P1 HRS (HRS study of long-period eclipsing binaries)
2021-1-SCI-018 P2 RSS (Spectroscopic identification of ultra compact binary candidates)
2021-1-SCI-005 P2 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2018-2-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Probing the winds from massive binary star supernova progenitors)


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