Friday, February 28, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-27
SO: Shamin
Others: Narges, JC, Wimpie
We had to deal with some high humidity and thick clouds but managed to observe a few high priority blocks.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2024-1-MLT-003 P0 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2024-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-011 P3 RSS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-26
SO: Shamin
Others: Narges, JC, Wimpie
We had mostly good weather tonight and were able to observe many high priority blocks, including four P0s.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-GWE-003 P0 RSS (EM-GW Follow-up)
2024-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (x3) (Followup of Transients)
2024-1-LSP-001 P1 NIR (x2) (Study of star formation quenching in post-starburst galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-027 P1 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2024-1-MLT-009 P2 RSS (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-25
SO: Shamin
Others: Moses (for handover), Narges and JC
We only managed to observe one block before clouds and humidity forced us to close for the remainder time of the night.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-MLT-002 P2 RSS (MeerKAT follow-up study of gas-rich galaxies in the Fornax cluster. )
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-24
SO: Shamin
Others: PPC members, Rosalind, Encarni and and others
We only managed to do 6 blocks tonight before bad weather closed us for the rest of the night.
Science data taken for:
2023-2-MLT-002 P0 RSS (Constraining galaxy cluster merger geometries and timescales)
2024-2-DDT-003 P0 HRS (HD60435 Pulsation search)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 HRS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-024 P2 RSS (Studying the broad-line region in a quasar using reverberation mapping )
2024-2-LSP-002 P2 RSS (Pan-African AGN survey using SALT/IFS: tracing the properties of AGN and their host galaxies)
Monday, February 24, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-23
SO: Veronica
Others: Nikita and Shamin
We only managed to do 7 blocks tonight before bad weather closed us for the rest of the night.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-2-LSP-001 P2 HRS (x4) (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-LSP-002 P2 RSS (Pan-African AGN survey using SALT/IFS: tracing the properties of AGN and their host galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-22
SO: Veronica
Others: Alexei ( help on MOS observation), Anthony (help on pdet) and Iriwaan
Despite encountering a few issues throughout the night, we successfully completed 11 blocks, including 3 P0 blocks—one of which was a GW event candidate.
Science data taken for:
2023-2-MLT-002 P0 RSS (Constraining galaxy cluster merger geometries and timescales)
2024-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-GWE-001 P0 RSS (EM-GW Follow-up)
2024-2-DDT-002 P1 RSS (Study of a star undergoing obscurations caused by colliding planetesimals)
2024-2-SCI-004 P1 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-MLT-006 P2 HRS (HRS observations of a high mass binary system.)
2024-2-SCI-002 P2 HRS (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-21
SO: Veronica
Others: Anthony
We managed to observe six blocks before the humidity forced us to close.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-SCI-026 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic study of the intermediate-mass X-ray binary system, 4U 1210-64)
2023-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-1-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Monitor the spectral emission lines of these Be binaries.)
2024-1-MLT-010 P3 HRS (Stellar Characterisation of Ariel mission targets: derivation of N and O abundances)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-MLT-001 P3 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
Friday, February 21, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-20
SO: Veronica
Others: Nikita
Lost the entire night to bad weather.
No science data taken.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-19
SO: Veronica
Night lost to weather.
No science data taken.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-18
SO: Austun
Others: Lisa, Antoine (handover)
We only managed to do 4 blocks tonight before bad weather closed us for the rest of the night.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-019 P1 RSS (Reconstructing the Star Formation History of the HI-truncated galaxy NGC1316A in the Fornax A group)
2023-2-LSP-001 P4 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
2023-2-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-17
SO: Austun
Others: Lisa, Dartmouth students
Another full night of observations done, including a GW P0.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-GWE-001 P0 RSS (EM-GW Follow-up)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (x4) (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2024-1-MLT-002 P2 RSS (Tracking Accretion Flows via BLR Emission in Changing-Look Active Galactic Nuclei)
2024-1-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Monitor the spectral emission lines of these Be binaries.)
2024-2-SCI-042 P3 RSS (Confirming the binary nature of yellow supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds)
2023-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (x2) (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-1-MLT-010 P3 HRS (Stellar Characterisation of Ariel mission targets: derivation of N and O abundances)
2024-2-SCI-025 P4 HRS (x2) (Looking for proto hot Jupiters)
Monday, February 17, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-16
SO: Austun
Others: E10 (HRS), Dartmouth students
We had a good night, except for one hiccup, and managed to complete a few blocks along with a GW P0.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-GWE-001 P0 RSS (EM-GW Follow-up)
2024-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HRS HS Commissioning )
2019-1-MLT-008 P1 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2024-2-SCI-024 P1 RSS (x2) (Studying the broad-line region in a quasar using reverberation mapping )
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-2-SCI-025 P1 HRS (Looking for proto hot Jupiters)
2024-1-SCI-026 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic study of the intermediate-mass X-ray binary system, 4U 1210-64)
2024-2-SCI-030 P2 RSS (testing grain alignment in Coalsack cloud through spectropolarimetry)
2024-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Photometric Reverberation Mapping of Seyfert AGN)
2024-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-SCI-004 P3 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2023-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x2) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-15
SO: Austun
Others: Dartmouth Students
We managed to complete a few blocks tonight along with a GW P0 although seeing ultimately would cause us to not complete the block visit.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-040 P2 RSS (Constraining the initial mass of the progenitor of the neutron star in 2SXPS J075542.5-293353)
2024-2-SCI-002 P3 HRS (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2023-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-2-SCI-011 P3 RSS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x8) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
2024-2-SCI-029 P4 RSS (Artificial intelligence identification of extragalactic sources)
2024-2-ORP-004 P4 RSS (Study of LRN geometry)
2024-2-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Spectroscopic monitoring of two unique red supergiants in the LMC)
2023-2-MLT-005 P4 RSS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-14
SO: Austun
We had a smooth night, no technical issues. We also observed a GW event candidate.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-GWE-001 P0 RSS (EM-GW Follow-up)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Photometric Reverberation Mapping of Seyfert AGN)
2024-2-MLT-006 P2 HRS (HRS observations of a high mass binary system.)
2024-2-SCI-040 P2 RSS (Constraining the initial mass of the progenitor of the neutron star in 2SXPS J075542.5-293353)
2024-2-SCI-028 P3 HRS (Probing the mode of accretion in Herbig Be stars.)
2024-1-MLT-004 P3 RSS (Observations of white dwarf supernovae to be observed also with JWST.)
2024-2-SCI-002 P3 HRS (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-SCI-011 P3 HRS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
2023-2-LSP-001 P4 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-2-MLT-001 P4 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x2) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Friday, February 14, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-13
SO: Austun
Others: E10 (mirror)
We had a relative good night, although the humidity caused trouble around midnight. Humidity spiked, causing the seeing to blow up.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-2-ORP-004 P2 RSS (x3) (Study of LRN geometry)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (x2) (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2023-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-2-MLT-001 P3 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2023-2-MLT-005 P4 HRS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x4) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-12
SO: Austun
Others: Dartmouth students, E10, Wimpie
We had a few issues throughout the night, but managed to complete 13 blocks along with a P0.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of white dwarf supernovae to be observed also with JWST.)
2024-1-SCI-026 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic study of the intermediate-mass X-ray binary system, 4U 1210-64)
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-1-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2024-1-MLT-002 P2 RSS (Tracking Accretion Flows via BLR Emission in Changing-Look Active Galactic Nuclei)
2024-2-SCI-011 P2 HRS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2024-2-MLT-001 P3 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2024-2-SCI-023 P3 HRS (Observations of ssrAp stars)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x3) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-11
SO: Veronica
Others: Daniel and Ausrun for handover
=> Stable night with bright moon and moderate and good seeing. Many blocks of different priorities were observed.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-ORP-005 P1 HRS (Bright white dwarf RVs)
2024-2-DDT-004 P1 HRS (Study of the complex magnetic field of a fast-rotating B-type star)
2024-2-SCI-011 P2 HRS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
2024-2-SCI-034 P3 RSS (Characterizing the orbital parameters and accretion disk of an eclipsing high-mass X-ray binary)
2024-2-SCI-002 P3 HRS (x4) (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
2023-2-LSP-001 P4 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-10
SO: Veronica
=> Night with bright moon, moderate seeing and rising humidity. Were closed by humidity in about one hour before twilight. Only low priority blocks were observed.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-002 P3 HRS (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-1-MLT-010 P3 HRS (Stellar Characterisation of Ariel mission targets: derivation of N and O abundances)
2024-2-SCI-023 P3 HRS (Observations of ssrAp stars)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
2024-2-MLT-001 P4 HRS (x2) (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2023-2-LSP-001 P4 RSS (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
Monday, February 10, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-09
SO: Veronica
=> Unstable night with rising humidity and very bad seeing. Were closed by humidity at midnight. Some low priority blocks were observed.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-002 P3 HRS (High resolution spectrocopy of Type II Cepheids)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (x2) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-SCI-034 P3 RSS (Characterizing the orbital parameters and accretion disk of an eclipsing high-mass X-ray binary)
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x3) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-08
SO: Veronica
=> Bright moon night with slow growing humidity and quite variable seeing from very good till bad. Many blocks of different priorities were observed
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-005 P1 RSS (x2) (Near-UV and visible spectroscopy of the primitive asteroids)
2019-1-MLT-008 P2 HRS (HRS monitoring of yellow symbiotic systems)
2024-2-SCI-027 P2 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (x3) (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 RSS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-2-MLT-001 P3 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2024-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (x2) (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-SCI-011 P3 HRS (Observing hot and cool H-deficient stars to demonstrate evolution links.)
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-07
SO: Veronica
=> Unstable night with rising humidity. Were closed by humidity at about midnight. Some blocks were observed during first half of the night.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-042 P2 RSS (x3) (Confirming the binary nature of yellow supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds)
2024-2-SCI-034 P3 RSS (Characterizing the orbital parameters and accretion disk of an eclipsing high-mass X-ray binary)
2024-2-MLT-001 P3 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
Friday, February 7, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-06
SO: Veronica
=> Unstable night with rising humidity and moderate seeing. Were closed by humidity twice. Many high priority blocks were observed anyway.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-SCI-024 P0 RSS (Studying the broad-line region in a quasar using reverberation mapping )
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2024-2-SCI-004 P1 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2024-2-MLT-006 P2 HRS (HRS observations of a high mass binary system.)
2024-2-MLT-001 P2 HRS (Spectroscopy of compact heirarchial triples)
2023-2-MLT-005 P3 HRS (Monitoring the activity of Be/X-ray binaries in the southern hemisphere)
2024-1-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Monitor the spectral emission lines of these Be binaries.)
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-05
SO: Veronica
=> Unstable night with clouds and rising humidity. Were closed by humidity finally. Some high priority blocks were observed anyway.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-DDT-003 P0 HRS (HD60435 Pulsation search)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-ORP-005 P2 HRS (Bright white dwarf RVs)
2024-1-MLT-009 P2 RSS (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-1-MLT-006 P3 HRS (Monitor the spectral emission lines of these Be binaries.)
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-04
SO: Shamin
Others: Alexei and Oleg
We had a good night with good seeing and managed to observe many high priority blocks.
Science data taken for:
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 HRS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-005 P1 RSS (x3) (Near-UV and visible spectroscopy of the primitive asteroids)
2024-1-SCI-026 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic study of the intermediate-mass X-ray binary system, 4U 1210-64)
2024-2-SCI-012 P1 RSS (Tracing the large-scale galactic outflows)
2024-2-SCI-027 P1 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2023-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-1-MLT-009 P2 RSS (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-024 P2 RSS (Studying the broad-line region in a quasar using reverberation mapping )
2024-2-DDT-001 P2 RSS (Spectra of blue low-mass galaxies)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-03
SO: Shamin
We had a productive night despite a few minor problems and we managed to observe many low to high priority blocks.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-009 P0 RSS (x2) (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-ORP-003 P2 RSS (Astrometry of mid-sized TransNeptunian Objects)
2024-2-SCI-038 P2 RSS (x2) (Probing magnetic field strength of magnetic cataclysmic variables stars )
2024-2-SCI-004 P3 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
Monday, February 3, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-02
SO: Shamin
Others: Wimpie, Antoine (in the afternoon for SMI tests)
Clear skies tonight and smooth night tonight. We managed to observe a wide range range of high priority blocks tonight.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-009 P0 RSS (x2) (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-DDT-001 P1 RSS (Spectra of blue low-mass galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-027 P1 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2024-2-SCI-012 P1 RSS (x3) (Tracing the large-scale galactic outflows)
2024-2-SCI-004 P2 RSS (Probing the quasar outflows.)
2024-2-MLT-005 P4 RSS (Spectroscopic monitoring of two unique red supergiants in the LMC)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Night Log 2025-02-01
SO: Shamin
We had clear skies mostly okay, but variable seeing tonight, and we managed to observe mostly high and medium priority blocks.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-009 P0 RSS (x2) (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-019 P1 RSS (Reconstructing the Star Formation History of the HI-truncated galaxy NGC1316A in the Fornax A group)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-027 P2 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2024-2-DDT-001 P2 RSS (Spectra of blue low-mass galaxies)
2024-2-SCI-004 P3 RSS (x2) (Probing the quasar outflows.)
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Night Log 2025-01-31
SO: Shamin
Others: Antoine (remotely for SMI)
We managed to observe many high priority blocks tonight despite some techincal issues and variable seeing.
Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-009 P0 RSS (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-2-COM-001 P1 HRS (HRS HS Commissioning )
2024-2-SCI-027 P1 RSS (Studying kinematics and properties of starbursts and LIRGs using SALT IFUs)
2023-2-MLT-003 P1 RSS (x2) (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-2-SCI-019 P1 RSS (Reconstructing the Star Formation History of the HI-truncated galaxy NGC1316A in the Fornax A group)
2024-2-DDT-001 P1 RSS (Spectra of blue low-mass galaxies)
2024-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (Followup of Transients)
2024-2-SCI-021 P3 RSS (Searching for fast-moving black holes )
2024-2-SCI-003 P4 HRS (x2) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogue)