Friday, August 16, 2024

Night Log 2024-08-15

SA: Danièl
SO: Veronica
Others: E10 and Eben (grating issue on PCON)


Another full night of observations, however technical difficulties where present tonight. RSS went offline close towards the end of the night.

Science data taken for:
2024-1-ORP-001 P1 RSS (Double white dwarf candidates)
2024-1-MLT-006 P2 HRS (x2) (Monitor the spectral emission lines of these Be binaries.)
2024-1-MLT-004 P2 RSS (x2) (Observations of white dwarf supernovae to be observed also with JWST.)
2023-2-MLT-003 P2 RSS (Investigating the polarised nature of TeV-emitting blazars)
2024-1-MLT-003 P3 RSS (Observations of supernovae, near and far. @_sublunar_)
2024-1-MLT-010 P4 HRS (Stellar Characterisation of Ariel mission targets: derivation of N and O abundances)
2023-2-LSP-001 P4 RSS (x3) (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-1-SCI-004 P4 HRS (x2) (Defining a new chemically peculiar star catalogueBuilding a new )


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