Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Night Log 2024-07-30

SA: Moses
SO: Fred
Others: Veronica, Bryne, Alexei


We had a very productive night with good seeing, clear skies and half the night was drier than the Sahara. And we managed to observe many high priority blocks.

Science data taken for:
2024-1-MLT-004 P0 RSS (Observations of white dwarf supernovae to be observed also with JWST.)
2023-2-MLT-002 P0 RSS (x2) (Constraining galaxy cluster merger geometries and timescales)
2021-2-LSP-001 P0 RSS (x4) (Followup of Transients)
2018-1-MLT-004 P1 SCAM (Dark energy and the expansion rate of the Universe from quasar monitoring.)
2024-1-SCI-025 P1 RSS (Probing the large scale gas flows in galaxies)
2024-1-SCI-040 P1 RSS (Tracing the behaviour of PSR B1259-63 around the 2024 periastron)
2024-1-SCI-024 P1 RSS (Monitoring a special sample of quasars showing large continuum variations in their spectra.)
2024-1-MLT-009 P1 RSS (Optical Spectroscopy of nearby Galaxies)
2024-1-MLT-005 P2 RSS (Study of the metallicity galaxies in voids)


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