Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Night Log 2024-06-24

SA: Rudi
SO: Fred
Others: Eben


A full night of observing with some technical downtime at the start. Relatively stable conditions allowed us to observe a number of high priority blocks.

Science data taken for:
2023-2-SCI-028 P1 HRS (What Causes the Mysterious Superorbital Modulation in Supergiant X-ray Binaries?)
2021-2-LSP-001 P1 RSS (x9) (Followup of Transients)
2024-1-MLT-002 P2 RSS (Tracking Accretion Flows via BLR Emission in Changing-Look Active Galactic Nuclei)
2023-1-MLT-007 P3 RSS (x6) (SALT+Gaia survey of helium-rich hot subdwarfs)
2023-1-SCI-023 P3 HRS (x2) (Spectra of RR Lyrae stars which will be used to determine the composition of the stars. )
2023-2-LSP-001 P3 RSS (x3) (Spectra of ultrashort period main sequence binary stars)
2024-1-SCI-007 P4 HRS (observing Ap stars)


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