Sunday, March 4, 2018

Night Log 2018-03-03

SA: ��ric
SO: Thea


A productive night with good weather conditions that allowed us to observe many high priority targets.

Science data taken for:
2016-2-LSP-001 P0 HRS (x4) (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2016-2-LSP-001 P0 SCAM (Observing optical counterparts of transient objects)
2017-2-SCI-052 P1 RSS (Spectroscopic confirmation of high-redshift radio galaxy candidates)
2016-2-MLT-005 P1 HRS (Investigating the chemical composition of bright star beta Pic and its nearby circumstellar material)
2016-2-COM-001 P1 RSS (Polarimetry test proposal)
2017-1-MLT-010 P2 HRS (x7) (Searching for evolved binary stars with long orbital periods)
2017-2-SCI-022 P3 HRS (Measuring the interstellar abundance of lithium in the Large Magellanic Cloud)

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