& if that wasn't exciting enough, there was the man-hunt for the French couple at large in the Sutherland area after an altercation that left one policeman dead & another injured :( So much for peaceful, boring old Sutherland!

another smooth night with good, photometric weather and decent seeing for the most part. got lots of thruput data and a couple data sets with 0.03 sec exposures to do some turbulence analysis. had some tracker issues with motor H5 overheating which slowed us down a little bit, but we were able to work through it. the mass-dimm even worked flawlessly all night. MASS free seeing when i shut down at dawn was 0.12"....
got a little bit more thruput data and one round of short exposure burst mirror data. struggled most of the rest of the night trying to get the mirror to behave. several segments were way out of whack from all of our bursting and anti-bursting. one was focusing almost an arcminute away from where it was supposed to. when we finally got all of that sorted out, the humidity came in and closed us up.
night didn't look promising at the start, but turned out to be beautiful. warm, clear, light winds, and half-decent seeing for a stretch. got some good practice setting up burst mirror modes and recovering from them as well as recovering from other mirror issues. thanks to charl for coming up to help and to hitesh for putting up with us calling. got some data in burst mode with short exposure times to try and measure seeing/turbulence. got some thruput data at the end with the VI-apogee and its V filter
- The SAC baffle was reinstalled today. From the out of focus images we seemed
to see multiple spider components which we thought was due to the SAC baffle.
Took the SAC baffle off, but the multiple component remained. This cannot be
explained. The SAC baffled seemed well enough aligned in the way it was
installed. Multi component spider needs thinking about. The SAC baffle will be
re-installed tomorrow during the day.
- timdimm ran for a while but it was plagued by tracking issues.
- we continued the training and focused on getting the mirror alignment times
down to around 15min.
- some pointing offset observations were done and the results from that looks
smooth, productive night with good weather and mediocre seeing. spent the first half of the night doing stray light tests with a closed dome. spent the second half doing another track following out-of-focus images and got some open-loop tracking data at the end. the mass-dimm ran flawlessly until almost 0400. it somehow quit tracking and lost the stars. updated the commissioning wiki with some of the results from tonight.
used BCAM to take some time-lapse data of out-of-focus images to watch the evolution of the mirror alignment over time. the stars used for this came up at the very edge of the BCAM field when slewed to so there's something screwy with the pointing. will need to follow up on that.
made movies out of the time-lapse data and wrote up a blog post on them at http://saltastro.blogspot.com/2011/01/salt-pupil-time-lapse.html.
got closed by humidity right after midnight and ridge cloud by 3 AM.
- Did some stray light observations see Darragh's email : Autocollimator stray
light for the results obtained.
- timdimm and the MASS was operational tonight. Garith sorted out the
networking issues this afternoon and Tim fixed the loose instrument mount on
the back of the Meade.
- The end of the night was spend on some more pointing offset observations.
- CCAS not operational.
- It was cloudy at the start of the evening and cleared later accompanied by
high humidity.
- The CCAS instrument has been taken apart for testing.
- Its been raining the whole evening, did not open.
- Did not open the dimms due to the high wind.
- Charl gave the SO's some more tips and tricks on getting the mirror alignment
times down and discussed some of the pitfalls. We had the perfect conditions to
do just that, a strong wind and a large temp difference at the beginning of the
No observations due to work on tracker.
. Mirror alignment work at night start. Tracker failures prevented us
from getting onsky and taking any data.
Clear at night start, decent seeing. Closed for high humidity shortly
after midnight. Took some BCAM open-loop rho data for Tim.
. Clear night with moderate seeing (1.5"-2"). Took one VCAM tile
during 1.15" seeing. Otherwise, took BCAM open-loop pointing data
for Tim and MASS/DIMM data all night.
Took a small amount of BCAM and VCAM data in moderate seeing at night
start. Spent some time troubleshooting MASS/DIMM. High humidity and
ridge clouds claimed most of the night.
No data taken. The humidity roller coaster allowed us to briefly take
some MASS/DIMM data and align mirrors in the middle of the night.
Otherwise, we were closed.
Mostly clear night with poor seeing; night ended early due to tracker
failures. Took one set of VCAM data to allow plate scale calculation
and some BCAM open-loop rho pointing data.
- We had a successful evening getting VCAM and BCAM parfocal. The VI stage was
moved back on dummy RSS. There was no Z adjustment needed for the VI stage. We
found that with VCAM in focus we could get BCAM focused using the FLI focus on
BCAM. Some further tests, which probably needs verification, showed that
the VCAM focus is fairly close to the theoretical track and not much
telescope focus offset is needed to get VCAM into focus.
- The weather conditions did not allow us to do more observations to
further check our initial findings.
- Seeing was not good enough for IQ. Did some open loop tracking observations.
We closed around midnight due to high humidity.
- Opened up for alignment but it was cloudy all through the night and the
humidity forced us to close early.
- The seeing was not good enough for IQ observations. We had cloud around at
the start of the evening, which returned just after 2.
- The tracker A-G motor was overheated when we got to the telescope. Charl and
Ardhisha came up to look at the alignment issue we had last night and also took
care of the overheating. The tracker behaved for the rest of the night.
- We had some alignment issues with the reference mirror not being found. Peter
came up to look at it.
- Seeing conditions were not good enough for IQ observations. Continued with
the image drift observations.
- We closed early due a problem with the CCAS instrument when we tried a
- It was an eventful evening with good seeing and some tracker overheating
issues. We managed to get good seeing images with BCAM but struggled to get
good focus on VCAM.
- We had ~1'' seeing at one stage which we missed due the tracker overheating
problem, but we may have one or two images with ~1'' seeing on BCAM.
- At the end of the night the tracker x-lower motor overheated and we closed up
after that.
- Weather was good with low humidity for most of the night. Made some image
drift observations at a few azimuths.
- Had some alignment issues.
- Finished pointing model tests. Narrowed down the abnormal
pointings to Azimuth range of 357.5 to 360 only.
- Took two sets of open-loop rotation/tracking tests, before
overheating of tracker Rho motor stopped us before 3 am.
- High humidity, never opened.
- Night lost to humidity
- Pointing model tests for most of the night. High humidity, but
steadily just below closing limit for the whole night.
- Wishing a Happy New Year 2011 for the SALT community!
And hoping it will be sunnier than the bleak weather conditions
here :) Lost night to rain.